The first section is “System” which funnily enough provides you with an overview of the Easy Profit Auctions system. In this section Alex explains ‘Where silent auction gift ideas to Start’, ‘The best way to set up your System’ and ‘What you will achieve once your system is in Place’. He then finishes this section with an article entitled ’35 Different ways to build a Mailing List’. Overall, this section does contain some useful tips but it is mainly a summary of the rest of the website contents. However, the article ’35 Different ways to build a Mailing List’ is very informative and contains lots of useful ideas – some of which I already use and others which I plan to implement.

Next is the “Introduction” section. In this section Alex gives readers an insight into his background and how he got started online. He cites Jim Cockrum’s The Silent Sales Machine Hiding on eBay as his main inspiration, a recommendation which I also back. He also explains that just because your business is ‘virtual’, it does not mean you don’t have to put in the time or effort – another statement that I agree with. As this section is just an introduction, there isn’t really any useable information, but Alex does state some home truths about online business which I myself agree with.

In the following section, Alex Jeffrey’s moves on to explain his system in greater detail. First, Alex discusses why sell ebooks. You probably already know by now the benefits of selling ebooks, but if not then they are provided here. After this he discusses just how big the ebook business on eBay is, and provides screenshots to back up his estimates. Again, most people know the ebook business on eBay is huge and this section highlights just how large it really is.

After this Easy Profit Auctions goes on to explain “Why write your own Ebooks?” Alex first answers this question then goes on to explain; Private Label Rights, Viral E-Book Marketing, E-Books without Resell Rights, E-Books with Resell Rights. I found this section particularly informative. I agree with Alex that creating your own products is very important and the key to success online, and in this section Alex covers all the bases of ebook creation in a concise, easy to follow format. In particular Alex provides one great tip for ebook creation which I’ve never considered before. Overall, an excellent section.

Alex then goes on to discuss the tools you will need, breaking them down into sections. He first provides links to the tools you will need and then lists some more recommended tools. After this he explains some of the tools in greater detail. Some of the tools he discusses are Selling Manager Pro, Automated Digital Delivery Software, Pop 3 Email Accounts and your own website. Again this is another excellent section from Alex. He tells eBay ebook sellers why they need each of the tools and how they all work in conjunction to run and automate your eBay ebook business. As a fellow ebook seller I use many of the tools Alex discusses here and find them a must in terms of time and cost savings.

Next Alex discusses keeping track of traffic to your eBay auctions and affiliate marketing. After two extremely informative and detailed section, I found these sections rather basic. The section on keeping track of your traffic tells you how to do so but that’s all. Likewise the section on affiliate marketing explains affiliate marketing in rather basic terms but that’s all. However, to his credit Alex does provide links to two great affiliate marketing resource where you can do further research into the topic if you so wish. Overall, both sections are rather short and basic and don’t contain much information.

After this Alex then goes on to discuss eBay related issues beginning with feedback. In this section Alex details his ‘golden rules’ of feedback and also provides some tips on how to build your feedback quickly. This section is quite detailed and informative. Although some of the information is quite logical, it is useful and the tips on building your feedback quickly are great.

Following this Alex moves on to discuss using HTML (Hyper Text Markup Languge) in your eBay auctions. In this section he makes the very valid point that if you learn the basics of HTML, then you will be able to give your auctions a professional look. Alex then provides a link to a great free HTML training resource. I myself use HTML in all my eBay auctions and agree with Alex that you do need to learn the basics in order to enhance the look of your eBay listings. Overall, Alex makes a good point in this section and provides readers with a great resources to learn HTML.


Ebook Review- Easy Profit Auctions